This does not replace Android. This also gives you access to the full plethora of programs available in Debian and let's you continue using your phone as it was intended to be: as an Android device with all the capabilities thereof.
links for 2009-01-16
I have a Master’s Degree in Interactive Telecommunications so I get a lot of calls to help people with their technical systems. These calls are mostly from my Mom wanting to watch TV and they mostly result from her not understanding the universal remote. My life on the family AV squad would be helped if I could see what she sees when she calls. I thought it would be nice to give her a hat with a camera in it.
Great photo by TonyBGoode
“Anybody see a plane around here?”
Inauguration Report (IR09) for Android
I just published this app today as part of the http://inaugurationreport.com effort… read on for more info:
Inauguration Report is the official Android app for the 2009 Inauguration Report collaborative journalism project. Produced by NPR.org, CBS News and American University, Inauguration Report is a news initiative to gather stories from the public surrounding the January 20 presidential inauguration of Barack Obama.
Inauguration Report lets you send your own reports about the inauguration and
share it with the public online. NPR.org and CBS News will also incorporate public contributions in its coverage of the inauguration, so you may be contacted by them if they decide to use your submission. You can submit reports in the form of text, photos or audio.
Results of the project will be posted online at NPR.org, CBSNews.com and InaugurationReport.org. It will be added to a collection of submissions from other iPhone users, as well as people on Twitter, Flickr and other online communities.
links for 2009-01-15
On the phone it’s better to focus on one task. From what I’ve seen, the best iPhone applications do one thing and do it well. Supporting URL schemes in your application makes that single task more attractive to other developers and users. It leads to what my friend Daniel Jalkut has aptly called the “Un-Coda-fication” of iPhone apps.
If you have worked with Google Android prior to the 1.0 release, you probably have noticed that Google has upgraded the Apache HttpClient module in Android 1.0 from 3.x to a recent alpha release of version 4, which is a complete rewrite and brings with it a host of API changes.
BucketUpload is an application for Android Google phone. It allows uploading files to an Amazon S3 bucket, any web server or any FTP server . Files could be images, audios, videos or any documents available on your Android device. BucketUpload provides a file browser able to list folders from local file system, sd card and shared content providers.