Android User Interface Code is Not Easily Reusable

I’m ideally looking for someone to correct or enlighten me here, so please do!

The basic premise I want to put forward is that user interface components and libraries developed for the Android platform are not as easily reusable as standard Java Swing-based UIs. As opposed to simply linking a JAR file as you would in a J2SE or J2ME application, an Android developer must deal with the following files:

  • An XML layout definition
  • An entry in the resource file
  • The class definition(s)

It isn’t just the variety of files, but the process of integrating the third-party code into your application in a clean way that I am concerned with.

Am I missing something here? Is there an easy to just import a JAR into your lib, and load all of this up at once, possibly referencing a resource file and a separate set of layout XMLs within that JAR?

Maybe I need to go back and re-read the Building Custom Components section of the Android Developer Guide. Hmm.

links for 2008-10-19

  • We collect, design, and implement open intents and interfaces to make Android mobile applications work more closely together. We provide samples and free applications to demonstrate their usage.
    (tags: android phone)
Categorized as Awareness

links for 2008-10-18

  • By converting your Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks or Photoshop artwork into CSS / (X)HTML code and optionally implementing so you don't have to! We handle it all: AJAX / JavaScript, CSS, (X)HTML, CSS drop-downs / flyouts, mouseovers, file optimization saving you time and headaches at a fair price.
Categorized as Awareness

links for 2008-10-14

  • ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server.
Categorized as Awareness