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Status Casting

This is not mesh…  Status Casting (or just statcast or maybe even just “scast!”) is the name I am giving to the act of using the built-in radio broadcasting capabilities of your mobile device, laptop, wifi router or other radio-enabled device to broadcast a short human-readable message up to 10m to 100m away. I’ve been exploring this concept… Continue reading Status Casting

Bluetooth name meshyness on a Linux machine

First committed here: https://github.com/n8fr8/gilgamesh/blob/master/docs/linux-howto.txt Since the Gilgamesh system uses plaintext bluetooth names for its basic broadcasting communication mode, it is a very easy system to participate in from any desktop system. Below is the set of steps that can be performed at the Linux command line to configure the device name to be up to a 248… Continue reading Bluetooth name meshyness on a Linux machine

The Difference between Repeat (RPT) and Retweet (RT) on a Mobile (sorta)Mesh

There are two behaviors I have been considering during my adventures in human-powered mobile mesh these last few weeks. The first is Retweet or Reshare, as invented by Twitter users manually (“RT @foo this is important”) and then later on built directly into the Twitter platform as a feature. The second is “Repeat”, as inspired by… Continue reading The Difference between Repeat (RPT) and Retweet (RT) on a Mobile (sorta)Mesh

Hacking on a basic Bluetooth mesh-y concept

Inspired and frustrated by the closed, murky, proprietary nature of FireChat, and equally frustrated by my experiencing working on the way too complicated Commotion mesh project, I wanted to find a simple way to answer the question “what do we do when the Internet goes away” problem. FireChat is clearly not the answer for the… Continue reading Hacking on a basic Bluetooth mesh-y concept