Diagramorama: Sending Download Links to Mobiles

Email to SMS Technique

Originally uploaded by nathanialfreitas

I recently had someone ask about sending video download links to mobile phones. Mux does this using the “your phone number”@”your mobile carrier”.com approach, otherwise known as the SMTP Email Gateways.

Every carrier has a different way to do this, with different limitations, but it does essentially work, and as long as you aren’t spamming people, it is a good solution.

Here is a mostly complete list of the gateways from SMS411.net

Diagramorama: Web 2.0 Portal Design

Web 2.0 Portal Design

Originally uploaded by nathanialfreitas

First in a series….

This was a solution developed for a client who wanted a deep portal experience for their target users, built through the integration of a variety of third-party services. Google Custom Search on a set of curated and keyword-filtered websites. Yelp for finding relevant business listings. Amazon’s E-Commerce API for promoting and selling featured products and building promotional partnerships with specific vendors. Ning as the community glue which would tie everything together. All of these components would be put together under a single skin, navigation and information architecture to create what should be a fairly seamless experience.

This approach can be used for pretty much any niche or target demographic, as well