Cruxy presenting at Nov 2nd “Amateur Hour” Conference NYLS

Nathan will be speaking on November 2nd at the first “Amateur Hour” conference hosted by the New York Law School. Other speakers include NYU’s Clay Shirky, executives from ESPN, CBS, Forbes, Warner Brothers, and more, along with a whole host of lawyers and law professors. The cost to attend is only $50, and it seems well worth it. Here’s a little more detail:

From television (YouTube and Revver) to advertising (Craigslist and consumer-made TV ads), movies (Machinima), photography (Flickr and iStockPhoto), encyclopedias (Wikipedia and UrbanDictionary), and news (blogs and citizen journalism) technology is enabling amateurs to produce and distribute high-quality product that people want to
watch, read, consume, buy, and re-use. This type of media is sometimes labeled “user-generated”, “amateur”, or “peer-produced” content, and there has been a huge amount of discussion on why people produce it. Any number of commentators have suggested that this is a fundamental change in the way that media is produced, and have foretold a future full of people producing media for the love of it. For all the overblown rhetoric, it’s clear that many established assumptions in media are now being overturned.

What isn’t as clear is what happens to existing media businesses in the age of the amateur. What has been the response of these businesses in light of the rise of the amateur, and what should be their response? Media and entertainment businesses companies are faced with a range of business, legal and management issues that are both new and challenging. The time is ripe to ask what to do about this, and what happens next.

November 2 - Amateur Hour Conference

You can learn more about and register for the conference at