ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server.
Author: me
links for 2008-10-12
Highslide JS is an open source JavaScript software, offering a Web 2.0 approach to popup windows. It streamlines the use of thumbnail images and HTML popups on web pages.
Cruxy: New Look and Features Coming Soon!
I’ve been working on a update to Cruxy that provides both a new look and feel, as well as adds some new much needed features (like a shopping cart). One of my primary goals was to improve the ability for visitors to quickly browse and scan through the listings and artists to find something they might be interested in. By moving towards a thumbnail-style layout with rollover popup info boxes and multi-level menus for quickly select a specific genre or media type, I think we’ve made progress toward that goal.
If you have any other ideas or approaches that you think that Cruxy interface could benefit from let me know!
links for 2008-10-08
There are a few special techniques or effects that can spice up just about any web page. These are the top 20 Ajax effects that every web developer should know. They're essential parts of any web developer's toolbox. If you haven't seen them yet, you no doubt will in your future web development endeavors.
This is a basic stencil for creating wire frames for iPhone web applications.
Includes standard components like form fields, buttons, dialogs, key boards, lists, loading icon, selected state.
links for 2008-10-07
Our latest release is now online. There are so many new things to do and try:
* Check out the potions, spells and wearable items in the new shops.
* Play the hundreds of new games at Game Planet and Spacies.
* Try creating your own mission, or play missions made by others.* Set up novel ways to open gates, or make puzzles, using item interactions.
* Buy an island, and create an adventure for you and your friends.
* Embed SmallWorlds in your community site or social network page.