Interview My Family: What are your Thanksgiving Plans?

I’m taking a short break from the usual interview method using the Screenflow application, to try our another approach: Video Blog Comments!

So, if you are member of my family, nuclear or extended, please watch the video below, and then leave a video comment by pressing the “ADD VIDEO COMMENT” button below.

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  1. Busy, busy day – early Dad & David Freitas (also Miyoko) are going to the Run for the Hungry event at CSUS – I will drop them off and then over to Rob/Cyndi’s for Brunch on the Porch while watching for the runners -later home for naps and football with a Portuguese style Thanksgiving buffet at 6 pm – Brimed Turkey like Pai Freitas cooked, Lingusia dressing, sweetbread and flan (of course pumpkin & pecan pie on the side) along with a great case of wine sent by Nathan and Micaela – everyone is invited to stop by for buffet at 6 pm!

  2. Well, I’ll be with Madison and the others on the walk also. Also, I believe Miyoko, will be walking, only we’ll do 1/2 the 10k and at the point it turns back to SacState ,24th and F st., we’ll just continue on to Robert’s, at 24th and E and get ready for a Thanksgiving Brunch (also feeding the hungry….us!.)
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