I speak with my 19(?) year old nephew Ryan on topics including parental facebooking, daylight savings, marathons, eggnog and his unfortunate choice of presidentai candidates (but don’t hold that against him)
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Wow, a great interview, but when it came to answering the question about grades the sound suddenly dropped out. Is this a coverup?
Okay, who’s the big interview election day?
Maybe wait till later in the evening so we may know who actually won.
By the way, Kenyatta (@Rocketboom) used to do a show like this when we worked at MNN: http://www.kenyattacheese.net/braintag/2008/03/01/browsetv_episode_24.php. Except he didnt interview his family which a cool idea.
yeah I was wondering about that myself… why was my voice muted out?
I have no idea why it muted out. Bugs in the system… still learning this software.
As you said, your grades were pretty good – 3.7 average right?