The following wallpapers are 1920×1200 (widescreen) resolution that will fit most screens. If you would like to request a larger or fullscreen resolution email me.
We’ve previously showcased some really nice Mac wallpapers and Windows wallpapers. This time around we want to give Ubuntu a try. This following entry is dedicated to all you Ubuntu users. We figured you could wear it proud and for starters, a nice Ubuntu wallpaper on the desktop.
links for 2009-05-23
In January 1977, the French Situationist Guy Debord founded the company "Strategic and Historical Games." This company had an immediate goal: to produce the "Kriegspiel," a "game of war" that Debord had already designed in his head years before. Inspired by the military theory of Carl von Clausewitz and the European campaigns of Napoleon, Debord's game is a chess-variant played by two opposing players on a game board of 500 squares arranged in rows of 20 by 25 squares.
links for 2009-05-22
A group of us in collaboration between the OI Safe project (formerly Android Password Safe) and the Openintents project have implemented a cryptography service and a keystore service which other Android applications can use to keep data and passwords safe, in a way that's convenient for the end user.
A slippy map library for the iPhone.
Fast! Completely written in objective-c using CoreAnimation. Runs like the built-in app.
links for 2009-05-15
DataIO is a web service that allows you to store data. It then allows you to query for the data in many different ways. This website also hopes to eventually be a tutorial for the different graphing libraries on the web.
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure.
links for 2009-05-13
The two crucial facts about the information gathered under an electronic police state are these:
1. It is criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial.
2. It is gathered universally and silently, and only later organized for use in prosecutions.