As everyone probably knows by now, Doom has been ported to Android.
This is exciting for two reasons,
1. It’s Doom!
2. It’s actually native code running with a Dalvik frontend.Now, Dalvik doesn’t have JNI, so how can you write something in C and run it?
This guy will lead you down a link-clicking rabbit hole that’ll tell you how. The important parts are the compiler (Choose ARM GNU/Linux and IA32 GNU/Linux), and the technique of running system commands from Dalvik, which is detailed on Gimite’s page.
Why still Intrepid (Ubuntu 8.10) server? I just don’t have time to upgrade it. For a server, as long as it is secure and stable, no need for the cutting edge.
Why VPN? Check wiki. For me, I want to access some location sensitive files while I am on the iPhone via 3G network.
How? There is an excellent How-To in Chinese. I followed it and it works! This post is a summary of what I did.
自从实验室放了台 Linux 服务器后,可玩的东西就越来越多了。虽然这台服务器主要的工作是 Web Server,但鉴于我们那小站压力非常之小,服务器资源绝大多数还是浪费着,所以让它多干些活是个不错的选择。实验室的内部网络中有不少非常有用的资源,例如科研用的文献资料,个人的实验数据等等,这些内容一旦离开实验室就不那么容易访问到了。解决这个问题最好的办法就是 VPN。在 Ubuntu 上搭建 VPN 服务器的方法非常多,比较著名的有 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec 和 OpenVPN。这三种方式中后两者的安全性比较好,但配置较麻烦。其中 OpenVPN 在 Windows/Mac 平台上还需要额外的客户端。而 L2TP/IPSec 方式虽然比较好,但我配置后,虽然 Windows 和 Linux 用户没有问题,但 Mac/iPhone 却始终无法连上,所以暂时删掉了,日后搞清楚是什么问题再换到这种方式。
links for 2009-10-14
Sipdroid allows you to use Android phone with almost any SIP provider. The calls are crystal clear even over a 3G network, likewise for a WLAN connection. The best part about Sipdroid is that it integrates into your phone, eliminating the need for a separate phone book. You simply use your Android contacts in the same way as if you were making a call over a cellular network. It’s really an amazing application that is stable and simple to use, with the potential to save you plenty of money.
combine Gizmo (SIP+VoIP service), Google Voice and SIPDroid on Android to make free US calls over wifi/3G
links for 2009-10-12
Ultimate Guide to Hacking your Sapphire Handset
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
So you want to hack your HTC Sapphire handset – perhaps install a new rom, backup what you have or just get 'root'.
You've come to the right place!
links for 2009-10-10
Sipdroid allows you to use Android phone with almost any SIP provider. The calls are crystal clear even over a 3G network, likewise for a WLAN connection. The best part about Sipdroid is that it integrates into your phone, eliminating the need for a separate phone book. You simply use your Android contacts in the same way as if you were making a call over a cellular network. It’s really an amazing application that is stable and simple to use, with the potential to save you plenty of money.
ITP2800 – Week 5 – Building Mobile Apps
Homework for Week 5
- Catch up on previous weeks’ readings and homework that you haven’t turned in yet
- Continue to develop and plan your cause with a target on being able to concisely explain it for your midterm and the next Speed Geek!
- Review the content presented in class and decide on the approach (server vs client or mixed) and the tools which you will utilize.
- All: develop the user stories and basic mockups of your service – “iterate with pencil” before moving into fancier renderings
- Server Developers: setup an IMified account and review the developer documentation
- Client Developers: setup the Android SDK, then download and build the gReporter source code
Another exciting week at ITP. This week the classes was visited by Evan Henshaw-Plath aka Rabble, who both spoke of his personal experiences with mobile technology and activism, and also provided critical feedback to students on their projects during our first Speed Geek.
The second half of the class focused on preparing for the development of actual mobile applications and services. While students are free to choose any software or hardware approach they want, the two platforms that will be covered in class are IMified and Google Android.
Here is the audio of the second hour of class as I walk through the links and slide presentations embedded below:
Referenced links:
- Building an IM Bot for the NY Senate OpenLeg API
- NY Senate Bill Bot source code for the IMified platform
- gReporter: Android application source code
- Android Market app examples: TwitterVoteReport and Inauguration Report
This first presentation provides an overview on approaching the development of mobile applications considering all of the unique factors of using a small, portable device on the go:
The second presentation uses the gReporter application to discuss the development of location and media-capture applications on the Google Android platform.
Finally, for beginning to design and mockup applications, here’s a list of solutions for the iPhone (thanks to TechJini blog) that can also apply to Android:
- Use Interface Builder or Dashcode (Mac only)
- Use Balsamiq mockup tool (Mac, windows, linux) – http://www.balsamiq.com (http://www.balsamiq.com/blog/2009/03/01/iphone-controls-new-icons-and-much-more/)
- Use Omnigraffle (Mac only) and import an iPhone stencil – (http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnigraffle/download/ and http://www.graffletopia.com/search/iphone)
- Use paper and a stencil- http://www.designcommission.com/shop/iphone-stencil-kit/
- Use a pre-printed sketch paper – http://labs.boulevart.be/index.php/2008/06/05/sketch-paper-for-the-mobile-designer/
- Use photoshop and the iPhone PSD – http://www.teehanlax.com/blog/?p=1628
- Use Adobe Fireworks – http://blogs.adobe.com/fireworks/2008/08/iphone_gui_as_adobe_fireworks.html and http://www.building43.com/videos/2009/06/23/mockup-iphone-app-adobe-fireworks/
- Although not there yet, you can try http://iphonemockup.lkmc.ch/
- Use the stencil kit from Yahoo! which is available in a variety of formats – http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/wireframes/
- Use the sketchbook available at http://www.mobilesketchbook.com/