The purpose of this thread is to create a nice collection of MetaMorph files so that anybody can pick the morphs they like to and create a fully customized phone the way you want it. Since i really think MetaMorph is going to change the way we think about theming and make life a lot easier for both users and themers lets get the ball rolling. So any themer or anybody that has created a morph please share your creations for the benefit of others.
links for 2009-12-16
The purpose of this thread is to create a nice collection of MetaMorph files so that anybody can pick the morphs they like to and create a fully customized phone the way you want it. Since i really think MetaMorph is going to change the way we think about theming and make life a lot easier for both users and themers lets get the ball rolling. So any themer or anybody that has created a morph please share your creations for the benefit of others.
links for 2009-12-15
SQLCipher is an open source extension that provides transparent encryption of SQLite databases. Data pages are encrypted before being written to storage and decrypted on read.
links for 2009-12-12
Using Google Spreadsheets as a Database in the Cloud
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based anonymous digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Anonymity means that the real world identity of the parties of a transaction can be kept hidden from the public or even from the parties themselves.
links for 2009-12-11
If you are interested in Spring 3 on the GAE, there is a newer post about just this topic (and some REST!).
The previous post describes the main steps, this post just extends two classes and adds a “sync function”, which allows for syncronizing with data im a Google Spreadsheet.