When those words were written, ParanoidLinux was just a fiction. It is our goal to make this a reality. The project officially started on May 14th, and has been growing ever since. We welcome your ideas, contributions, designs, or code. You can find us on freenode's irc server in the #paranoidlinux channel. Hope to see you there!
Category: Awareness
links for 2009-04-17
One thing we’ve been most excited about here at the Sunlight Foundation is the concept of Data.gov. Due later this year, new federal CIO Vivek Kundra will release a new central repository for government data and research
links for 2009-04-16
Capped.TV – Turning Fruit into Juice – 172,028 Served in 286 Flavors, 18,836 served the past 31 daysRSS Feed High Quality Flash Video for the Demoscene
links for 2009-04-13
The extension lets users create new articles with a form interface. Administrators configure a "form definition" in the MediaWiki namespace, and the form can be used to create a new article using a particular template.
links for 2009-04-12
The extension shows uploaded pdf files in a multipage preview layout. With enabled WebStore the extension generates automatically Images from the specified page.
This extension authenticates a wiki user against IMAP servers.
NavContent is an extension that implements a type of navigational frame, i.e. a mechanism for users to expand (and collapse) certain page content by clicking on a link.
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Remember meLogin
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Remember me LoginMediaWiki is a great PHP-based wiki implementation that is used to power many sites, including Wikipedia. It's quite flexible, very secure, and extremely easy to use. It's also extremely simple to write plugins for it.
Neocha was borne out of the need to connect the growing communities of Chinese "creatives" — musicians, artists, writers, designers, shops, venues, etc. — who are under-represented by mainstream Chinese media and lack effective distribution platforms. Neocha solves this need by offering a centralized online community and organizing innovative events that empower creatives and their fans to discover, meet and collaborate.