links for 2009-08-25

  • Shell Script to Delete .svn Folders
    rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`

    This script uses the rm and find commands to recursively delete .svn folders. rm and find can be found on all UNIX based operating systems including Linux and OS X.

  • This is a proposal for a mostly backwards compatible specification for a flat-file representation of tabular data like CSV (comma separated values). CSV has never been one particular standard and even standards such as RFC 4180 leave much to be desired, namely removing the optionality of a header row, making the character encoding explicit, and being appropriate in an international context where the comma may be used as a decimal separator.
Categorized as Awareness

links for 2009-08-24

  • It turned out that what I had instead was a commercial telegraphic code. From the 19th through the mid-20th centuries, telegrams were integral to business and personal communications. Telegraph codes proliferated as a way to correspond economically and privately. Readily available code books such as the ABC Universal Commercial Electric Telegraph Code, not to mention many others, were published, with many businesses creating in-house codes. According to telegraphy historian-enthusiast John McVey, “Thousands of codes were published or issued privately, but they are largely forgotten now. They present a finely-grained window into their respective domains and their time. And they provide instances of sometimes stunning visual, technical, lexicographic and unwitting poetic achievement.”
Categorized as Awareness

links for 2009-08-17

  • From Development Seed's Tm McWright: "Using an GSM modem or cellphone, SlingshotSMS will send and receive text messages on behalf of your web application. It builds on the work of pygsm, an excellent Python library for dealing with AT-compatible modems. What this means is that SlingshotSMS is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, and can interface with a wide range of GSM modems and cell phones – including many sub-$200 field-ready modems like the one we used for testing when we were field-testing last week as part of our participation in Camp Roberts experiments. All code is available on github
Categorized as Awareness

links for 2009-08-06

Categorized as Awareness