links for 2009-10-16

  • As everyone probably knows by now, Doom has been ported to Android.

    This is exciting for two reasons,

    1. It’s Doom!
    2. It’s actually native code running with a Dalvik frontend.

    Now, Dalvik doesn’t have JNI, so how can you write something in C and run it?

    This guy will lead you down a link-clicking rabbit hole that’ll tell you how. The important parts are the compiler (Choose ARM GNU/Linux and IA32 GNU/Linux), and the technique of running system commands from Dalvik, which is detailed on Gimite’s page.

    (tags: android native c)
  • Why still Intrepid (Ubuntu 8.10) server? I just don’t have time to upgrade it. For a server, as long as it is secure and stable, no need for the cutting edge.

    Why VPN? Check wiki. For me, I want to access some location sensitive files while I am on the iPhone via 3G network.

    How? There is an excellent How-To in Chinese. I followed it and it works! This post is a summary of what I did.

    (tags: iphone ubuntu vpn)
  • 自从实验室放了台 Linux 服务器后,可玩的东西就越来越多了。虽然这台服务器主要的工作是 Web Server,但鉴于我们那小站压力非常之小,服务器资源绝大多数还是浪费着,所以让它多干些活是个不错的选择。实验室的内部网络中有不少非常有用的资源,例如科研用的文献资料,个人的实验数据等等,这些内容一旦离开实验室就不那么容易访问到了。解决这个问题最好的办法就是 VPN。在 Ubuntu 上搭建 VPN 服务器的方法非常多,比较著名的有 PPTP, L2TP/IPSec 和 OpenVPN。这三种方式中后两者的安全性比较好,但配置较麻烦。其中 OpenVPN 在 Windows/Mac 平台上还需要额外的客户端。而 L2TP/IPSec 方式虽然比较好,但我配置后,虽然 Windows 和 Linux 用户没有问题,但 Mac/iPhone 却始终无法连上,所以暂时删掉了,日后搞清楚是什么问题再换到这种方式。
Categorized as Awareness

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